2024 Robert M. Sherman Young Pioneers Award Recipients

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Learn more about the recipients of the 2024 Robert M. Sherman Young Pioneers Award who demonstrate a commitment to new ideas and the use of innovative approaches to inspire children and families in their community. 

Front left to right: Shoshana Balk, Alana Gelnick, Jessica Jobanek, Anya Morgulis, Stessa Peers

Shoshana Balk, Luria Academy

Shosh Balk, currently the Director of Jewish Life and Chesed at Luria Academy, has taught middle school Talmud and Tanakh for 12 years. She earned a master's degree from Bank Street College of Education, where she published her thesis on the importance of imaginative play during the middle school years. Prior to Luria, Shosh taught at SAR, Ramaz, and Heschel. She is a singer, musician, b’nai mitzvah instructor, and facilitator of Jewish life cycle events. Shosh is also passionate about teaching English as a Second Language, most recently with the Gabriel Project in Mumbai and with TALMA in East Jerusalem.

Alana Gelnick, SAR Academy 

Alana Rifkin Gelnick has been the Associate Principal of the Early Learning Center (ELC) at SAR Academy in Riverdale, NY since 2015. Alana has a longstanding commitment to innovation and inclusion, and during her tenure at SAR, she spearheaded a Hebrew Immersion program for preschool classrooms and initiated the first kindergarten inclusion class to address the needs of students with learning differences. In addition, she was at the helm of the construction of a 36,000 square foot new Early Learning Center. In 2021, she was awarded the Covenant Foundation's Pomegranate Prize which recognizes emerging leaders in the field of Jewish education.

Jessica Jobanek, Beit Rabban Day School

Jessica Jobanek teaches middle school Judaic Studies at Beit Rabban Day School in New York City. Originally from Eugene, Oregon, she moved to Jerusalem in 2013 and spent two years studying at Pardes. She holds MAs in Jewish Education and Jewish Gender and Women’s Studies from the Jewish Theological Seminary, and has taught in numerous institutions, schools, and synagogues, with a particular focus on issues of gender and representation. Jessica is passionate about integrating social-emotional education and the arts into Jewish learning. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, reading, and visiting museums with her husband and son.

Anya Morgulis, Temple Beth Israel

Anya proudly serves as Director of Education and Engagement at Temple Beth Israel in Port Washington, NY since 2019. Anya is guided by the phrase “If you can’t get out of it, get into it.” She is always all in. She’s built a vibrant religious school and engagement model which promotes strong Jewish identities and core memories forging deep relationships in the community. She demonstrates middot and ruach in every aspect of her work. Anya received her Masters in Jewish Education from The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Additionally, she studied for more than two years at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Israel.

Stessa Peers, Temple Beth Abraham

Stessa Peers is Temple Beth Abraham’s Director of Education and Youth Engagement. Stessa is passionate about fostering a lifelong love for Judaism, promoting leadership, and instilling Jewish pride and Jewish joy among youth. Her focus on inclusivity has allowed Stessa to create the educational program she has always dreamed of leading. Stessa, a lifelong member of TBA, lives in the woods with her partner, Michael, and frenchies, Lula and Merlin. She enjoys cooking and baking, and is known for her matzo ball-making skills. She loves singing, Jewish history, pop culture, reading, and above all else, spending time with the people she loves.