Emily Hausman - 2022 Young Pioneers Award Recipient

Emily Hausman is the director of early childhood education at the Riverdale Y, a JCC in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx. Her school hosts New York City’s universal early childhood program in a way that holds true to Jewish values and a constructivist approach, while being responsive to the community. Emily believes deeply in the value of tikkun olam, repairing the world and can not imagine a better way to practice that value than to provide an education for the children who will be responsible for it. She is proud to live with her family in the community she serves.
From the recipient: "The Talmud teaches ‘The world only exists because of the breath of the youngest schoolchildren.’ I am beyond grateful to The Jewish Education Project for recognizing the importance of educating our youngest community members. Thank you for holding up my contributions as k’dushah, holy and intentional work in this field."
Reflections from colleagues:
"Emily embodies the concept of B'tzelem Elohim, the idea that we are all made in the image of the Divine. She works tirelessly to ensure that every child, parent, and teacher feels valued and appreciated, not just for their individual humanity, but for the unique skills and talents they each bring to the world. Our Early Childhood Center is an embodiment of her vision, and we are incredibly proud to see Emily recognized as a recipient of the Robert M. Sherman Young Pioneers Award." Deann Forman, CEO Riverdale YM-YWHA
"It is such a thrill to see Emily Hausman be recognized as a recipient of the Robert M. Sherman Young Pioneers Award. What an example she sets for all of us as she serves her community with the lens of Judaism at all times. She moves through the world with integrity and persistence, dignity and love. She is generous of spirit and a fierce advocate for early childhood Jewish education and those educators who serve our youngest children and their families." Kathy Pomer, Vice President, Sheva Center, JCC Association of North America
Photo by Shulamit Photo + Video