The Science of Spirituality
The Jewish Education Project, 520 8th Ave, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10018
A workshop with Keynote: Dr. Lisa Miller
Fee: $18
Kosher breakfast and lunch will be served.

As Jewish educators, we know that spirituality - the relationship to a higher power - is essential to a teen's physical and mental health, and now we have the science to prove it!
Join us as we host Dr. Lisa Miller, professor at Columbia Teachers College and author of The Spiritual Child for a keynote and workshop on the new and cutting-edge science of spirituality and the positive markers for success that spiritually connected young people can develop in childhood to help them thrive in their adolescent and young adult years. She will be joined by Rabbi David Ingber from Romemu, who was named by Newsweek as one of the "Top 50 Most Influential Rabbis in the United States."
Our program will consist of a keynote by Dr. Miller, a workshop to help you apply her research findings to your education practice, and a series of small group exercises that will combine the wisdom from Rabbi Ingber with the research from Dr. Miller.
This is part of the Teens Thrive series of workshops, designed to help Jewish educators understand their role in helping teens grow into thriving young adults.

"Who Am I?"
This is the first "existential" question that teens ask themselves and the first question we asked in the new teen outcomes framework.
"With whom and what am I connected?"
This is the second question teens ask as they develop their sense of self and grapple with spirituality.
The workshops emerge out of the Generation Now research conducted last year, which guides us as we create teen programming that can help teens develop a stronger sense of self (outcome #1) and develop their capacity (skills and language) to grapple with and express their spiritual journeys (outcome #10). Jewish educators can in fact play a critical part in helping teens thrive.