Adding STEAM to Your Shavuot Curriculum
There are many ways to connect math and the counting of the omer. These connections can happen naturally within a math lesson but can also be looked at in a Judaic studies classroom. As we count the omer we are reminded how many days there are left until Shavuot. This year, Shavuot falls at the end of school year, when everyone is trying to cram in final lessons and projects. Most teachers are thinking about grabbing their students’ attention in creative ways and about the best Shavuot cheesecake recipe. We collected a list of resources that can help you organize and plan some Shavuot activities for your students that are usable throughout both general and Judaic studies curriculum. These lessons, projects, videos, books, and resources will infuse STEAM into your classroom and engage your students.
Shavuot books:
Shavuot projects using technology:
Shavuot art and art with recyclable materials:
Origami -
Recycled art projects:
Shavuot video:
General teacher resources for Shavuot:
Digital Jewish Texts and Resources:
Wishing you a chag sameach! Enjoy your cheesecake!
Monica Brandwein is the Educational Technology Consultant for DigitalJLearning and The Jewish Education Project.