Dear Evan Hansen: "On the Outside Always Looking In"
The Jewish Education Project, 520 Eighth Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10018
What can "Dear Evan Hansen," the "best new musical of the year," teach us about helping our teens feel included?
Join a group of colleagues for a unique professional development opportunity with an interactive and educational program followed by a viewing of the show.
Fee: $50: NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS until THURSDAY, March 23rd, 3:00 pm

Dear Evan Hansen is a Broadway musical about an adolescent boy's struggle with loneliness and the lengths he goes to in order to fit in. How can we, as youth professionals, help our teens as they too experience the feeling of being an outsider in their own worlds? How do the institutions and movements we work in contribute to that culture of insiders vs. outsiders? What does it mean to create an environment where teens feel they can come and go without being judged? We will cover these topics and more at our pre-show program with psychologist and HUC-JIR professor of adolescent development, Dr. Betsy Stone.
We are excited to be able to offer this unique opportunity for educators, but tickets are limited. Participants will be selected based on the following application. Note that participation in other programs in our Teens Thrive series will be taken into consideration.
Your application is not transferable and must be submitted in full by Thursday, March 23rd at 3:00 PM. By submitting this form you are agreeing to:
- participate in a pre-show program in NYC from 9:00 AM -1:00 PM on 6/14
- attend the Dear Evan Hansen matinee on 6/14
- participate in a post-show web meeting
Your cost for everything will be $50. You will be notified of our decision before Passover.
This program is open only to professionals working in institutions in NYC, Long Island or Westchester. If you have any questions, please contact Pam Barkley at or Les Skolnik at
This is part of the Teens Thrive series of workshops, designed to help Jewish educators understand their role in helping teens grow into thriving young adults.

"Who Am I?"
This is the first "existential" question that teens ask themselves and the first question we asked in the new Generation Now teen outcomes framework.
"With whom and what am I connected?"
This is the second question teens ask as they develop their sense of self and grapple with spirituality.
The workshops emerge out of the Generation Now research conducted last year, which guides us as we create teen programming that can help teens develop a stronger sense of self (outcome #1) and develop their capacity (skills and language) to grapple with and express their spiritual journeys (outcome #10). Jewish educators can in fact play a critical part in helping teens thrive.