Resources & Research

The Jewish Education Project is actively tracking trends and opportunities related to educational innovation. We have also learned a great deal from our previous projects and gleaned significant insights and resources that we are sharing here. Through curated resources and original research, we help educators and Jewish communal leaders better understand – and more effectively address – how to adapt models, respond to new research, and hold onto the best of what we have already re-imagined. You can browse or sort through our resources below and you will find them spread throughout our site, labeled Related Resources.

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Educator Spotlight
Petco, a doctor's office, and chasing ladybugs: one Chabad educator's innovative field trips are helping students learn mitzvot and Jewish values.
Site Visit Journal
This Site Visit Journal will help you understand one particular community's approach through the eyes of their educational leaders. To delve deeper into this innovative approach, be sure to check-out our Resource Guide, linked on the right and at the end of this page.
Not all models fit neatly into one of our major groups (or “buckets”). As new innovations emerge and new experiments are designed, we envision more models may cross-over or be outside of these buckets. In the future we will most likely identify new groupings based on the success of these models.
Educator Spotlight
In this Educator Spotlight, Diane Taub and Ilana Traub share their experiences from our JBlend Miami professional learning and how they support teachers who are integrating educational technology.
Resource Guide
As a follow-up to our most recent and definitely stimulating Jewish Futures Conference on Happiness Hacks in Jewish Education, we have assembled some of the resources we used that day and some articles on this subject that may be of interest.
In its inaugural year, The Jewish Education Project counted the 49 days of the Omer with Blog B’Omer, daily posts of personal insights from people passionately engaged and committed to Jewish education.
Educational Approach
The face of learning in Jewish Early Childhood has developed throughout the years to become more focused on child-centered learning rather than teacher initiated experiences. With a Jewish lens, early childhood education has become more emergent, with teachers focusing on play and discovery, supporting children's natural curiosities.
Educational Approach
From small patches of grass to the development of larger courtyards, Jewish early childhood educators are beginning to reimagine their outdoor spaces and support children in more exploratory play and learning. Educators are being influenced by the breadth of research touting the benefits of time spent outdoors for children in the early years...
Model Adaptation
Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester, Rye, NY. Intergenerational teams consisting of two adults and one teen serve as learning facilitators for four or five 6th or 7th grade students.