Happiness Hacks: Video Recordings
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Not able to attend the Happiness Hacks Conference? Attended, but want to review and share with others? You'll find recordings below from many of the sessions. One of the unusual aspects of the day was how program elements were interwoven, and so we present the recordings in the order they occurred.
Aliza Kline:
Personal Happiness
Aaron Dorfman IntroDUCTION and
PROFSSOR Dan Ariely on What Makes Us Happy
RABBI Shira Stutman:
a Jewish Response to Happiness
Professor Dan Ariely:
Happiness and the Paradox of Choice
Rabbi Lee Moore:
Laughter Yoga
Lippman Kanfer Prize for Applied Jewish Wisdom
DR. David Bryfman:
Professor Dan Ariely:
How Can We Be HappIER?
Aryeh Ben David:
Happiness in Jewish Education
Dr. David Bryfman:
The Mood Meter and Final Reflection