For Which It Stands: Video Recordings

Were you unable to attend our Jewish Futures Conference on Civic Education? Attended, but want to review and share with others? You'll find recordings below from many of the sessions. One of the unusual aspects of the day was how program elements were interwoven, and so we present the recordings in the order they occurred.
You have three choices for how to view the conference:
- The first player below is our Youtube playlist and will allow you to watch one video after another, skip around, or choose from the built-in dropdown menu.
- If you are a browser, then continue down the page and you'll find each of the videos on their own and can go in any order you want.
- And if you have some time and want the full experience, at the end you'll find a button that will take you to a special Livestream viewer in two parts - one for the morning and one for the afternoon
Conference Playlist
The Pledge | Jewish Futures 2017
My Shot | Josh Nelson
Lady Liberty | Bible Raps
Conference Introduction | Aaron Dorfman
The Power of Education to Change the World | Joel Westheimer
Conceived in Liberty | Tamara Tweel
Tribute to John Woocher | Jewish Futures 2017
The Law of the Land is Binding | Elana Stein Hain
History Reconsidered | Clint Smith
Tips for Educators | Joel Westheimer
Next Steps & Final Thoughts | David Bryfman