See you at #Prizmah2019
We’re packing our bags, leaving the bustle of New York City, and enjoying Southern hospitality at Prizmah’s 2019 conference in Atlanta. The Jewish Education Project is proud that our staff will be presenting to the over 1,000 Jewish educators, communal professionals, entrepreneurs, and professional and lay leaders.
Interested in Israel education? Judith Talesnick, Director of Professional Learning and Growth, is leading the Israel Education Collaboratory panel on Sunday, March 10 from 4:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. in Room M106. Curious about securing federal funding for your Jewish day school? Sara Seligson, Managing Director of Day Schools and Yeshivot & School Food Services, will share her insight on how to access federal funding for everything from professional development to physical education during the Federal Funding for Jewish Day Schools: You're Not Dreaming panel. After hearing Judith and Sara speak say hello to David Bryfman, Chief Innovation Officer and incoming CEO, and learn more about The Jewish Education Project's professional development programming and fellowships.
For more information about Judith and Sara’s presentations, read more below.
Sunday, March 10
Israel Education Collaboratory
4:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m., Room M106
Israel: we willed it. It's no longer a dream; so what do we do now? Engage with other day school leaders to refine the long-term vision of Israel education in your school. Together, share your goals, celebrate what is working, identify some challenges, investigate models, and consider next steps for productive collaboration. Led by Judith Talesnick, Director of Professional Learning and Growth.
Federal Funding for Jewish Day Schools: You're Not Dreaming
4:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m., Room M105
Jewish day schools may be leaving money on the table if they shy away from working with districts to assert student needs. Sara Seligson, Managing Director of Day Schools and Yeshivot & School Food Services, and Yocheved Belsky, Director of Private School Partnerships for Catapult Learning, will share how to access federal funding for professional development, technology, school safety, and well-rounded educational opportunities like STEM programs, college and career counseling, arts, civics, Advanced Placement, health, and physical education, among others. Learn and share best practices for drawing down funding from Title I, llA and Title IVA.