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CEO David Bryfman writes about The Jewish Education Project's response to the death of George Floyd.
This year, we were inspired by Jewish texts about the natural world. For each text, we’ve taken out a particular topic you can focus on in your classroom and provided educational technology resources that can help your students reach their learning goals.
Originally published on Jeducation World In Jewish education, we always aspire to know what the parents of our learners are thinking: what they’re passionate about, how they like to prioritize their time and attention, their hopes and dreams for...
Zachary Lebwohl was part of a team that worked with DigitalJLearning to build The Ramaz School’s strategic EdTech plan. In this Spotlight, Zach shares positive experiences from that partnership. He also explains how he balances supporting teachers in...
Originally published on eJewishPhilanthropy If I was to be audacious enough to write a comprehensive goal for Jewish education in 5777 it might go something like this… The purpose of Jewish education today is to ensure that Jewish tradition empowers...
In my first post about Project LEAD, I gave a glimpse of how the participating educators reflected on their efforts to bring forward thinking ideas and conversations into their schools with their staff in June 2016. They shared stories of success...
The Startup Pavilion, a place for emerging companies in EdTech to demo their products, is always one of our favorite places at the ISTE Conference, and this year it didn’t disappoint. This year’s trends included many tools for game-based learning...
Unless you have spent the last several years meditating on a mountaintop, you have undoubtedly heard of makerspaces. From mobile carts to innovation labs to entire faires, the maker movement is being touted as the newest “it” child of educational...
How can blended learning improve student engagement? Jenna Kraft, teacher at Scheck Hillel Community School and participant in DigitalJLearning's JBlend Miami cohort, explains how she engages students in a station-rotation model. She also shares...
In its inaugural year, The Jewish Education Project counted the 49 days of the Omer with Blog B’Omer, daily posts of personal insights from people passionately engaged and committed to Jewish education. Our authors, who hailed from different backgrounds and inspirations, shared their experiences and knowledge with us.
In this Educator Spotlight, Elaine Gross walks us through her technology lessons, from teaching the basics of respecting devices, to helping students understand the building blocks of coding language. She also shares how students use hands-on...